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It’s World Compliment Day!

Words have power to hurt or heal. A compliment can change my life, your life, and the lives of everyone around you. That is why World Compliment Day was designated as a special day for people to take the time to brighten someone's day or recognize others for a job well done.

Compliments are expressed to recognize the beauty or the essence of someone's character, ability, skills or behavior. Therefore, honest, genuine compliments are about building up other people and not given just to benefit ourselves. Pats on the back, praises or tributes that we give to others should be sincere and from the heart. And trust me, others will know if they are not.

Observation, listening and interacting with others with positive intentions are essential to giving good meaningful compliments that make people feel good. At that point a compliment becomes much more than nice words presented with a positive attitude, it demonstrates an attitude of love, peace, and respect that should be a part of our normal daily routine.

Most of the time, we compliment those closest to us, our parents, family and friends. But we must also remember to compliment and provide words of affirmation to neighbors, strangers and even our enemies. Just a smile, a "good morning, or “you look nice today” can brighten someone's day, making them feel seen and recognized and increasing their self-worth and value. A positive heartfelt compliment can positively change someone’s mood, state of mind or physical health. It can improve children’s self-esteem and behavior, make an employee perform better, and make our pets happier and shower us even more with love.

We all feel the need to be appreciated and admired at times by those we love and care about. Think about how you feel when someone you love, respect, admire or even a complete stranger, compliments you unexpectedly. Those compliments that seem to come at us from out of the blue often feel the very best and often have the effect of lifting us out of our doldrums.

So follow the sentiments below of Dr. Steven Maraboli.

This is exactly the spirit of what World Compliment Day represents for all of us. According to Robert Orban, a compliment is verbal sunshine. It allows us to magnify people’s strengths and not their weaknesses.

So, GSS Agents, do your very best today and everyday to let others see the good you see in them. Be generous and rain compliments, those positive life-giving words on as many people as you can today!

Written and submitted by GSS Agent#103



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