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God’s Secret Service Agents (GSSA) Foundation is partnering with Super Eagles Academy (SEA) in rural Kajiado, Kenya to build a desperately needed Multi-Generational Community Resource Center, which will serve as a central hub to meet the educational, economic and social needs of children and adults in this remote tribal community. 


The community mainly consists of the Maasai Tribe in Kenya who live well below the poverty level in communities with no paved roads, electricity, running water, and economic opportunities, where cultural practices like female genital mutilation and non-education of girls and women are still practiced.



The Community Center will house a multipurpose room that will serve as the main center for the Super Eagles Girls Club, a critically needed program aimed at empowering girls ages 6-21 by improving their educational, cultural and economic prospects and opportunities through training, multi-tiered peer to peer mentoring and life skills development.


The Community Center will also house large group school and community engagement events, a much needed library for the school and community, a computer lab and adult training room equipped with sewing machines, computers  and other resources to provide education, cultural competency, life skills, and job training for children and adults in the community. 

Only $35,000 USD is needed to build and equip the Center due to the current strength of the US dollar. This is a nominal amount compared to the immeasurable benefits it will provide to this

The groundbreaking for the facility was held on January 21, 2023 with the building expected to be built and dedicated by the summer of 2024

So far, nearly $30,000 has been raised for the project with thousands more in in-kind donations and the sweat equity of community members. The final phase of building the structure has been completed! We recently installed solar power to provide electricity to the building because the community does not have any electricity.


The last two major items we need donations for is to add a water tank and tower to the building for drinking water and to plant a community garden that will grow food for the families of the community.

We are on target to complete the building and these final two projects in time to hold a grand opening celebration in the Summer of 2024.

We need your support and donation one last time to help complete the project. Any amount will help!  You can learn more about the project and:

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