Giving Tuesday is a day to celebrate every single act of generosity." Whether it’s making someone smile, helping a neighbor out, or showing up for an issue or people we care about, we each have something to contribute. Identify your gifts, pick a cause that gets you fired up, and give back – not just today but every day. "

Giving Tuesday originated in 2012 by New York’s 92nd Street Y in partnership with the United Nations Foundation.
Today is a special day each year when organizations, nonprofits, small businesses, and families can come together to give to their community.

Giving Tuesday Facts
"Giving Tuesday is an independent nonprofit organization that is dedicated to unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. "
Giving Tuesday Communities come together to connect, collaborate and inspire communities to make a difference.
Small Businesses participate in Giving Tuesday by using their platforms, networks and resources to promote goodness.

Giving Tuesday Campaign Ideas ( Celebrate Giving Tuesday)
Support: local businesses and artisans.
Purchase: products or services in person from small businesses that give back to the community.
Volunteer: for non-profits: a local shelter or assisting in a cleanup event..
Fundraising: Organize a bake sale, or promote a virtual campaign encouraging friends and family to participate.

Giving does not have to be monetarily. It is also volunteering for a local non-profit or organization we believe in.

Written and Submitted by GSSAgent#3013
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