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Celebrate Easter!

"Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime." Martin Luther

Easter is a special time of year of reflection and gratitude. All is in bloom and there's joy in the air! Easter is a holiday full of symbolism. The Easter eggs we decorate are symbols new life

and rebirth.

For followers of the Christian faith, Easter is a very important holiday. Christians gather at

their place of worship and reflect on Easter Bible verses, welcome warmer weather and Spring inspired celebrations.

The word Easter has its roots in "Eastre," which was the name of the Teutonic goddess of spring. Easter was originally a pagan festival that celebrated the beginning of Spring. The festival focused on fertility, and utilized the egg and the rabbit as symbols of the celebration. Early Christians adopted the pagan festival of Easter as a time to celebrate the risen Christ, rather than the goddess of Spring.

Ways to Celebrate Easter

- Decorate Easter eggs

There are numerous ways to decorate Easter eggs, from Fancy to simple!

-. Participate in an Easter Egg Hunt

Once the eggs are decorated, have children search for eggs hidden throughout their homes or gardens.

-. Enjoy a traditional Easter Dinner with Family and Friends

Easter dinner customs vary throughout the world. However, in Western societies, a traditional Easter dinner consists of either lamb or ham as the main dish.

-. Send an Easter Care Package

If there’s someone you’d love to spend Easter with but distance keeps you apart, drop a meaningful gift in the mail to them.

Written and Submitted by GSS Agent#3013

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