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Join as a GSSA Business/Organization/Church (Special Ops Force)

GSSA Special Ops Forces are businesses, organizations or churches that conduct secret local missions on their own to assist their employees, customers or members four to six times per year. They can also partner with GSSA Headquarters to secretly provide free anonymous help to needy customers, members or employees at least four times a year.

As a business or organization’s Special Ops Force completes more and more secret missions, your security clearance will increase in rank. See Ranks that can be achieved by GSSA Special Ops Forces.
GSSA Special Ops Forces, must have an identified GSSA Special Ops Commanders (SOC) to register the business, church, or organization and help to facilitate, plan and conduct secret missions for customers or employees. 

GSSA Special Ops Forces also have the option of having their names listed and marketed on the GSSA website and other communications as contributing members.​

We encourage you to join the ranks of God’s Secret Service Agents as business, church or organization, by clicking on this link and completing the Special Forces Sign-Up Form:

Make the World a Better Place.

Join us and help recruit others to become GSS Agents!



(NOTE: You will use this GSSA Special Ops Force Name to identify your group to the people you help when you complete missions. Special Ops Force Members can also use their Special Ops Force name when reporting on Mission(s) Accomplished.)


How does your business or organization choose to participate as a GSSA Special Ops business/organization? 

Our Business/Organization would like having our names listed and marketed on the GSSA website and in other communications as contributing members.

Our Business/Organization would like to be interviewed for stories on how our secret missions impacted individuals and the community

Our Business/Organization agrees to conducting secret service missions to help others in need to help make the world a better place!

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