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Mission Details


Mission Intel:
Hello GSS Agents !
This month GSSA Headquarters secret mission targets are our FATHERS and FATHER FIGURES.
Fathers are sometimes viewed as secondary in parenting as compared to mothers, but those of us who had or have amazing Dads can tell you that’s not true. A good father is critical and equally important to the success of a family and the development of children and society.
In Exodus 20:12, one of the 10 commandments says to, “Honor your Father and your Mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you”
Our father’ love, support and consistent encouragement helped to develop our self-esteem and gave us the confidence to pursue our dreams.
So, check out the Find Mission Dashboard for secret missions’ ideas you can do to bless your Dad or other Father Figure this month; or add one of your own.
And, don’t forget to report your secret mission accomplished on your “My Secret Mission” Dashboard on the website.
As always, if you are captured conducting your secret mission of kindness, instead of disavowing your actions, God, your Commander, will rescue you and shower you with abundant blessings and eternal life
June 2024
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